Guided Tour
Steve Strimer will be leading a tour of the African American Heritage Trail and Underground Railroad starting from the David Ruggles Center.
Guided Tour
Soujourner Truth Memorial Statue- at the corner of Park and Pine 121 Pine St, Florence, MA, United StatesWendy Sinton will be leading a tour of Sojourner Truth's Florence from starting from the Sojourner Statue.
Guided Tour
David Ruggles Center 225 Nonotuck Street, Florence, MATom Goldscheider will be leading a tour on the Northampton Association starting from the David Ruggles Center.
Educator’s Picnic
David Ruggles Center 225 Nonotuck Street, Florence, MAJoin Prof. Ousmane Power-Greene as he shares his experiences teaching U.S. History at Wuhan University in Central China. Also learn about our new Middle and High School curriculum.
Historic Significance of Flax and Sugar Beets
Grow Food Northampton Meadow St, Florence, MA, United StatesGrow Food Northampton and Ruggles Center members will present on the uses and historical significance of two crops we have grown at the garden this year: flax and sugar beets.
Basil Dorsey Day
Florence Civic Center 90 Park St., Florence, MA, United StatesCelebrate Basil Dorsey Day! Author Bob Drinkwater will give a slide show presentation on his new book, In Memory of Susan Freedom: Searching for Gravestones of African Americans in Western Massachusetts. Basil Dorsey's family and Florence's Park Street Cemetery feature large in the discussion.
David Ruggles: Local Hero & Abolitionist Leader
Celebrate Black History Month with this program about David Ruggles.
2021 Founders Day Symposium: The Fight for Equality in 1840’s Florence
2021 Annual Founders Day Symposium The FIGHT for EQUALITY in FLORENCE: The Northampton Association, David Ruggles, and Their Legacy Today Thursday April 8, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. on ZOOM Register HERE for the David Ruggles Center’s Annual Founders Day Symposium. The Northampton Association of Education and Industry (NAEI) was founded in Florence on this date in [...]
Juneteenth on June 20: African Americans in 1850s Florence, A Walking Tour
Soujourner Truth Memorial Statue- at the corner of Park and Pine 121 Pine St, Florence, MA, United StatesA 1.75 mile walk in the historic African American neighborhoods of Florence. We'll visit homes of Sojourner Truth, David Ruggles, Basil and Cynthia Dorsey, Hannah Randall, Henry Anthony, Laura Knowles Washington and others. The story of this unique community will be told where it happened. The tour begins at the Sojourner Truth Memorial Statue at [...]
Reading Frederick Douglass Together: A Public Reading of His 4th of July Address
Historic Northampton 46 Bridge Street, Northampton, MA, United StatesThe David Ruggles Center along with massHumanities and Historic Northampton is cosponsoring a public reading of Frederick Douglass's 1852 historic 4th of July address on Saturday, July 3 at 11AM at Historic Northampton. We will be joining many communities statewide in this reading as part of this annual massHumanities event. Often now referred to as, [...]