Make a Reservation to Join a Walking Tour, Sundays @10AM
April 1, 2022 All day
A great way to learn our history is to take an in-person, guided walking tour around the village. Tours start on Sunday mornings at 10:00 at the Sojourner Truth Statue. We walk a little over a mile and return to the statue before noon. We visit up to ten sites connected to the dedicated abolitionists who made Florence their home in the 1840s while living in community. We are masked and socially distanced outdoors with no more than a dozen walkers. We ask for a $10 suggested donation per person to the Ruggles Center.
If you would like to join a tour, write to Please put Walking Tour Waitlist into the subject line and indicate how many are in your party. We will contact you as we schedule tours. Please RSVP promptly so we can include you in our next walk or transfer your name to the list for the following walk. Be sure to check your email the night before for possible weather cancellations. We look forward to sharing this important history with you.