April 8, 2021
7:00 pm
8:30 pm
2021 Annual Founders Day Symposium
The Northampton Association, David Ruggles, and Their Legacy Today
Thursday April 8, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. on ZOOM
HERE for the David Ruggles Center’s Annual Founders Day Symposium.
The Northampton Association of Education and Industry (NAEI) was founded in Florence on this date in 1842. A radical abolitionist utopian community, the NAEI attracted both David Ruggles and Sojourner Truth. The David Ruggles Center for History and Education was created on this date in 2008.
Dr. Linda Ziegenbein, DRC Co-founder, Moderator
Steve Strimer, DRC Co-founder
“The Lay of the Land: Establishing the Florence Abolition and Reform National Historic District”
Tom Goldscheider, MA Public Historian
“In Sickness and in Health: Dr. Ruggles’ Water Cure in Florence”
Dr. Ousmane Power-Greene, History Department, Clark Univ.
“It Can Happen Here: Resisting White Supremacy in Our Neo-Fascist Moment”
A Conversation with
Linda Ziegenbein and Ousmane Power-Greene
“Continuing the Utopian Vision: Towards Enacting a More Socially Just Present”
With Special Guests
State Senator Jo Comerford and
State Representative Lindsay Sabadosa
This event is free and open to the public.
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