Event Videos

Founders Day Event 2024: Nell Irvin Painter In Conversation with Lisa Unger Baskin

(May 9, 2024 at Bombyx)

The David Ruggles Center welcomed acclaimed historian and writer, Nell Irvin Painter, Professor Emerita of American History at Princeton University, in conversation with Lisa Unger Baskin, eminent women’s historian and collector and DRC Board Member. Topics ranged from issues of race in America, to Sojourner Truth, to making art in later life. Painter will also sign copies of her new collection of essays entitled, I Just Keep Talking: A Life in Essays.

Founders Day Event 2021:
The FIGHT for EQUALITY in FLORENCE: The Northampton Association, David Ruggles, and Their Legacy

( April 8, 2021 on Zoom)

The David Ruggles Center Annual Symposium.